Benefits of Mobile Hearing Aid & Hearing Clinic Services

by | Jul 27, 2020 | Client Resources, Hearing Health, Industry News

A convenient and effective mobile service is available to handle all your auditory assessment, assistance, and treatment needs from the comfort of your own home.

Although hearing loss and impairment can strike at any age, it tends to be a much more common occurrence as we get older. In fact, it is estimated that one in three people over the age of 65 live with some degree of hearing loss. Prolonged or repetitive exposure to loud noise is a prevalent cause and can lead to permanent hearing damage, but there are also many other factors that can contribute to impaired hearing.

What is Presbycusis?
Presbycusis refers to the gradual loss of hearing experienced by most people as they get older. Of course, the effects of aging on hearing are not the same for everyone as a variety of external elements may come into play.

Environment & Biology
For example, individuals that have been working in a noisy environment day in and day out over the course of several years are at a greater risk for hearing impairment with age. On the other hand, presbycusis can result from physical changes in the inner ear that occur with aging. There are thousands of tiny hairs in the cochlea that pick up sound waves and convert them to nerve signals the brain can understand. As the hair cells become damaged or die off it effects hearing precision and capacity. Once damaged or dead these hair cells do not regenerate.

Sound Frequency
Presbycusis is typically characterized by a reduced ability to hear high pitch sounds. A good analogy for individuals with unaffected hearing may be to think about what you can hear in your environment with headphones on. For example, when you are wearing headphones you can likely still hear the low pitch rumble of a truck going by on the street, by you may not be able to hear a bird chirping just outside your window. High pitch sounds are often not as easy to pick up on for individuals with presbycusis.

Other Causes of Hearing Loss
Aside from age and perpetual exposure to loud noise, there are some other elements that may lead to hearing impairment, such as:

·        Genetics

·        Medications

·        Existing health conditions (such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease)

·        Obstruction

·        Injury

·        Viral infection

·        Smoking

Hearing Loss Symptoms
Depending on a diverse range of factors, symptoms of hearing impairment can be different for different people. Some warning signs to be on the lookout for, may include:

·        Speech of other people sounds muffled or slurred

·        Difficulty following conversations

·        Trouble blocking out or hearing over background noise

·        Problems distinguishing between consonant sounds

·        Difficulty hearing high pitch sounds

·        Ringing in the ears

·        Requiring high volume for TV or radio

·        Social withdrawal

As everyday communication becomes more strenuous a typical response for people with hearing issues may be to avoid social interaction to escape embarrassment or stress. If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms of hearing loss it is highly recommended to seek professional assistance as soon as possible to minimize damage and improve the quality of daily living.

Impacts of Hearing Loss on Daily Life
Significant hearing loss can have far-reaching effects that can impede the ability to carry out daily routines and enjoy an independent lifestyle. Some effects of hearing impairment that may not be considered, include:

·        Risk of cognitive decline

·        Compromised safety

·        Increased risk for other health conditions

Risk of Cognitive Decline
Studies show that living with even a mild case of hearing loss that is left untreated can as much as double your risk for cognitive decline. More severe cases pose an ever greater danger of mental deterioration causing physical changes in the brain that may lead to the development of dementia.

Constantly struggling to decipher what other people are saying can also negatively affect memory as the strain for comprehension takes away form the brain’s ability to process and store concepts and information.

Compromised Safety
It is likely no surprise that impaired hearing can compromise personal safety. The inability to hear approaching joggers, cyclists, or even vehicles can quickly result in an accident. Also, we rely on hearing precision while sleeping to alert us to any imminent danger that may be present.

Increased Risk for Other Health Conditions
Extensive research shows associated links between hearing loss and serious health problems like cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.

Hearing Loss Combined with Impaired Mobility
Similar to hearing loss, strength and mobility also tend to decline with age. For individuals suffering from both afflictions it can be difficult to get the necessary treatment and care due to the inability to travel to a hospital, healthcare facility, or clinic.

Mobile Hearing Aid & Hearing Clinic Services
For those living in the North Shore and Greater Vancouver area, a convenient and effective mobile service is available to handle all your auditory assessment, assistance, and treatment needs from the comfort of your own home.

Contact the mobile clinic today for more information or to book an appointment.

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Jennifer Abbott

Jennifer Abbott brings over 25 years of experience in business. She has worked in multiple industries, including insurance brokerage, aviation, and health. Her career journey enabled her to acquire impeccable skills to help people find solutions in any situation. Jennifer is well travelled. She has lived and worked in Dubai for award-winning Emirates Airline. Jennifer has enjoyed working in a multicultural environment. Her offshore work empowered her to learn about various cultures from over 100 different nationalities. Upon her return home, Jennifer pursued her studies as a Hearing Aid Practitioner. While working in a hearing clinic, she became aware of some people’s challenges getting to their appointment. She realized that those people were not getting the proper hearing aid help they needed, which compromised their hearing. People’s struggles inspired her to establish the first unique 100% mobile hearing clinic in the lower mainland. As the founder of Hear at Home Mobile Hearing Clinic, Jennifer’s mission is to improve her client’s quality of life at any age. She has in-depth experience with hearing testing fitting, recommending hearing aids and working with older populations suffering from cognitive decline and Dementia.

    The Hear at Home Promise

    Our Pinky Promise to You

    • Your partner for life – as a locally owned and independent business, you’ll have the confidence that we’ll be here long into the future to be your hearing care partners for life. We’re not a pop-up business that will be gone tomorrow.
    • Access to all levels of technology – as an independent business, we will help you to find the right technology for your unique needs through our wide range of partnerships with major manufactures. Unlike many others, you’re not limited to just one manufacturer.
    • Honesty and integrity – our 14 year reputation has been built based on always doing the right thing. You’ll benefit from transparency, honesty and the highest levels of integrity.
    • Benefit from us helping thousands of local people – with thousands of delighted patients since 2009, you will benefit from partnering with the highest-rated team of hearing care experts in Greater Vancouver that have helped many others to achieve the outcomes that you’re looking for.