How to Choose the Best Hearing Aids – Greater Vancouver Area

by | Aug 4, 2020 | Client Resources, Hearing Aids, Hearing Health, Industry News

These days, virtually all hearing aids operate using digital technology which can be personalized to meet particular user needs.

Finding the right hearing aid to serve your auditory needs can be a bit overwhelming with all of the options to choose from. Just making the decision to take action to improve hearing loss is a great first step towards maintaining overall health. Hearing impairment can lead to a range of health issues and other complications that can impact independent living.

How do hearing aids work?

These days, virtually all hearing aids operate using digital technology which can be personalized to meet particular user needs. Based on the results of your hearing test, the hearing aid is then programmed to match the specific hearing loss patterns indicated by those results. Digital hearing aids often come equipped with features that automatically adjust depending on your surrounding environment.

Three Part System

Hearing aids generally work based on a three step method:

1. Analog sounds are received by the microphone and converted into digital data

2. The digital signal is then amplified to increase its strength

3. The amplified signal is then converted back into sound waves and transmitted into the ear

Do hearing aids restore hearing to original levels?

Although hearing aids are not capable of completely restoring hearing ability, they are very effective at amplifying the soft or high-pitch sounds that most people with hearing loss have difficulty with.

Best Hearing Aids: Styles & Types

There are a diverse range of options to choose from when selecting the best hearing aids depending on budget, size, style, severity of hearing loss, and personal preferences.

Some of the basic styles available to choose from include:

·        CIC – Completely In Canal

·        ITC – In The Canal

·        ITE – In The Ear

·        BTE – Behind The Ear

·        RIC & RITE – Receive In Canal & Receiver In The Ear

CIC – Completely In Canal

The smallest and least noticeable hearing aid style is the CIC model. This type is designed for mild to moderate hearing loss.

Advantages of CIC hearing aids include:

·        Highest degree of concealment

·        Good resistance to wind noise

·        Small batteries

Disadvantages of CIC hearing aids include:

·        No manual volume control

·        No directional mic

·        Vulnerable to ear wax clogs which can impact performance

ITC – In The Canal

This style is custom molded to fit partially in the ear canal. It is designed for mild to moderate hearing loss.

Advantages of ITC hearing aids include:

·        Partial concealment to be less noticeable than larger styles

·        Option for extra features not available on CIC types

·        Good stability and power for size

Disadvantages of ITC hearing aids:

·        Small size can make features difficult to adjust

·        Susceptible to ear wax clogs

·        Potential for feedback

ITE – In the Ear

ITE hearing devices come in two styles: full shell and half shell. Both designs are placed in the bowl shape area of the outer ear and are effective for mild to severe hearing loss.

Advantages of ITE hearing aids include:

·        Easy to operate and manage

·        Offer more features like manual volume control

·        Longer battery life

Disadvantages of ITE hearing aids include:

·        More susceptible to wind interference

·        Potential for earwax clogging

·        More visible than smaller devices

BTE – Behind The Ear
This style hooks over the top of the ear and rests behind the back of it and a tube connects to an earpiece in the ear canal. This style is versatile to accommodate almost any type of hearing loss.

Advantages of BTE hearing aids include:

·        Powerful amplification

·        Reliable

·        Low maintenance

Disadvantages of BTE hearing aids include:

·        Susceptible to wind interference

·        Less discreet

RIC & RITE – Receive In Canal & Receiver In The Ear
These two styles are very similar to the BTE style with the difference being that a small wire instead of a tube is used to connect the pieces. They are effective for almost any degree of hearing loss.

Advantages of RIC & RITE hearing aids:

·        Smaller behind the ear piece

·        Reduced feedback

·        Smaller size with good amplification power

Disadvantages of RIC & RITE hearing aids:

·        Susceptible to ear wax clogs

·        Ear tips should be changed from time to time

Need more information about hearing aid devices or an in-home hearing test?

Mobile hearing clinic services are available throughout the greater Vancouver area with Hear at Home. The experts at Hear at Home can offer experienced advice about hearing aids and hearing loss, and can even perform hearing tests in the comfort of home to determine the best course of action to deal with hearing impairment.

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Jennifer Abbott

Jennifer Abbott brings over 25 years of experience in business. She has worked in multiple industries, including insurance brokerage, aviation, and health. Her career journey enabled her to acquire impeccable skills to help people find solutions in any situation. Jennifer is well travelled. She has lived and worked in Dubai for award-winning Emirates Airline. Jennifer has enjoyed working in a multicultural environment. Her offshore work empowered her to learn about various cultures from over 100 different nationalities. Upon her return home, Jennifer pursued her studies as a Hearing Aid Practitioner. While working in a hearing clinic, she became aware of some people’s challenges getting to their appointment. She realized that those people were not getting the proper hearing aid help they needed, which compromised their hearing. People’s struggles inspired her to establish the first unique 100% mobile hearing clinic in the lower mainland. As the founder of Hear at Home Mobile Hearing Clinic, Jennifer’s mission is to improve her client’s quality of life at any age. She has in-depth experience with hearing testing fitting, recommending hearing aids and working with older populations suffering from cognitive decline and Dementia.

    The Hear at Home Promise

    Our Pinky Promise to You

    • Your partner for life – as a locally owned and independent business, you’ll have the confidence that we’ll be here long into the future to be your hearing care partners for life. We’re not a pop-up business that will be gone tomorrow.
    • Access to all levels of technology – as an independent business, we will help you to find the right technology for your unique needs through our wide range of partnerships with major manufactures. Unlike many others, you’re not limited to just one manufacturer.
    • Honesty and integrity – our 14 year reputation has been built based on always doing the right thing. You’ll benefit from transparency, honesty and the highest levels of integrity.
    • Benefit from us helping thousands of local people – with thousands of delighted patients since 2009, you will benefit from partnering with the highest-rated team of hearing care experts in Greater Vancouver that have helped many others to achieve the outcomes that you’re looking for.