Dealing with Earwax the Right Way Is Critical to Healthy Hearing

Does it feel like your ears are blocked or stuffy, or voices seem to be far away or are muffled? If so, then there’s a strong chance that your discomfort is due to an over-accumulation of earwax.

Left untreated, a buildup of earwax can lead to temporary or sudden hearing loss, feelings of fullness in your ear, dizziness, headaches, balance issues, infections, ringing in the ears and/or ear pain.

Our earwax removal expert at Hear at Home’s Delbrook clinic in North Vancouver provides the safest, most effective way to deal with your earwax challenges so you can enjoy better hearing health.

Our VIP Mobile Earwax Removal Service

An exclusive benefit for Hear at Home, clients who have purchased their hearing aids with us. This service is designed to ensure your hearing aids perform at their best while offering the convenience of at-home care. By choosing Hear at Home for your hearing aids, you receive cutting-edge technology and personalized fittings and access to ongoing, premium services like mobile ear wax removal—because your hearing health deserves the highest level of care and convenience.

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