Hello Jennifer
Since last Wednesday, I have been putting my hearing aids in after coming out of the shower every single morning. You adjusted it and I have no more problem to understand people more than max. three, me included. Today we were six around the table and sometimes my husband, who was sitting beside me, talked to the host while I was chatting with the hostess and one of her friends to the same time. That never happened the last 3 or 4 years ever!
While driving in a pick up truck, very loud vehicle, I was able to talk to my husband without having to yell at each other! Also the drops are working like a charm. On Thursday, I needed it in both ears once. Today the first time again just later in the afternoon into my right ear. That’s it. It must have a kind of a healing property in that bottle…
Garry asked me if I stay in Squamish just for the cleaning – my reply was, never again!
Thank you for helping me so much and I will see you in a few months for ear cleaning.
Warmest Regards